Sierra Chevy Events
Sierra Chevrolet Sponsors Region 2, in AYSO, Check Out a Pic from a Recent Tournament
Our BU10 team played in the Arroyo Seco Cup Thanksgiving Tournament in South Pasadena. The boys played a total of 5 games, had three shutouts, scored 10 goals total and only allowed 2 goals (1 each in two games).

Sierra Chevrolet is Proud to Sponsor the Monorvia Pony League
Check out all the baseball happiness!

Relay for Life Kickoff Party!
Sierra is happy to Sponsor Relay for Life and it's getting kicked off with a party! Go to for more details.

Overflowing Boxes of Toys for Tots
Sierra Chevrolet has hosted the Toys for Totsnonconsecutively, six times. This holiday 2010 campaign was very successful! We were able to over fill 4 large boxes overflowing with toys.

Sierra Chevrolet Hosts AYSO Region 2 Soccer League: Thanks to All Who Came Out
Chevrolet announced a national soccer league sponsorship program. Every Chevrolet dealership in the nation had the option to choose a local soccer league to sponsor in many different ways.
Sierra Chevrolet decided on the AYSO region 2 soccer league to sponsor, which represents Sierra Madre, Arcadia, El Monte, Monrovia, Azusa, Duarte and Bradbury. After Sierra Chevrolet notified the AYSO region 2 we were interested in sponsoring their league, Sierra Chevrolet went into action with our donations and participation. Click on the image from the soccer pizza party to read more about the sponsorship and the party at Sierra Chevrolet.